Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rani Pokhari

Rani Pokhari                                                                                                                                  In the seismic tremor of April 25, 2015 a wonderful structure that is notorious generally and socially was harmed — Rani Pokhari, which actually interpreted signifies 'Ruler's Pond', that settles in the heart of the Capital, Ratnapark. Balgopaleshwor Temple (otherwise called Yamaleshwor or Jamaleshwor Mahadev), that stands amidst the lake, was additionally damaged.Rani Pokhari, worked in 792 NS or 1727 BS by ruler Pratap Malla, is square fit as a fiddle (22 feet-4 inches) with four layers of ventures around it and a wall on one side. The Balgopaleshwor Temple in the gumbaz style with the symbols of Bal Gopal and Mahisasur Mardini alongside a Shiva Linga remains amidst the lake. An extension on the west of the lake helps fans achieve the sanctuary.

The doors of Rani Pokhari are opened to people in general twice per year — on Bhai Tika of Tihar and Chhath puja. In any case, the entryways stayed shut on both days in 2015.

Endorsed by the Department of Archeology (DoA), the Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) office has been attempting to revam The layers of steps have been devastated and upper levels of the Balgopaleshwor Temple and its apex have been taken out. Ninety for every penny of the lake's water has been taken out; 500 fishes in three clusters have been taken to Balaju Baaishdhara Udhyan Karyalaya. Yet, since it has begun drizzling, some water and few fish still stay in the pond.Uttar Kumar Regmi, Chief, Department of Urban Infrastructure Development at KMC educated, "The recreation arrangements are booked to finish before October 31 so that people in general can pay their respect amid the merriments. Additionally we have wanted to make Rani Pokhari a recreational range where the general population can enter in the wake of paying certain charge".

As per Regmi, Rs 11 crore has been distributed for the modifying of Rani Pokhari complex. Once finished, the unpredictable will have musical wellsprings, lights and a greenery enclosure.

This sounds like an entirely smart thought yet there are challenges in getting the materials required for reconstructing recorded landmarks in the very same way. Sampat Ghimire, Senior Divisional Engineer of DoA said, "One fundamental issue will be timber. This landmark needs timber that are 12 feet tall, which is rare. Be that as it may, we are speaking with the Forest Ministry and they will collaborate with us to get the required timber."

About seismic tremor resistance of the structure he said, "When structures are revamped on time, they can oppose quake. As we are managing structures that are 300 years of age, we need to keep up the first shape and size utilizing old methods of building them. We can't utilize Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC), which had been utilized amid past remodels that we were unconscious of. This befuddle amid remodel of recorded structures harmed them."According to Prof Dr Dilli Oli at the Central Department of Nepalese History Culture and Archeology, Kirtipur, the Shiva Linga, and the icons of Bal Gopal and Mahisasur Mardini in the Balgopaleshwor Temple symbolize ruler Pratap Malla, his most youthful child Chakrapratapendra Malla and the ruler individually.

Rani Pokhari was made for his ruler when the ruler couldn't defeat her distress over her child's passing. The celebration of Gai Jatra too was begun to tell the ruler that it was not just the ruler who had lost a friend or family member however numerous in the nation had lost their friends and family. "The ruler conquered her melancholy after this and the lord manufactured this lake for her, in the memory of their child," educated Shyam Sunder Rajbanshi, Chief Archeological Officer at DoA.

This demonstrates the ruler's affection for his significant other and child, be that as it may, there is another feature to this lord and Prof Dr Oli clarified, "Amid his administration, there was a conviction that on the off chance that you engage in sexual relations with 100 virgins, you would dispose of every one of your transgressions. Thus, Pratap Malla announced 'Lakshya Bhedan Yony' — importance engaging in sexual relations with one lakh virgins. He couldn't perform his objective yet he laid down with 3,000 young ladies. While he achieved his 3,001th young lady, she kicked the bucket in the process as she was exceptionally youthful and he lamented his demonstration and ceased. To get absolution, he constructed 84 lakh Shiva Lingas from Pashupatinath zone to Hanumandhoka. Yet, we have not yet possessed the capacity to find all the Shiva Lingas in the territory."

Treasures submerged

It is trusted that there are numerous important fortunes covered up in Rani Pokhari, from the trimmings of Pratap Malla's ruler to safes with abundance of then city inhabitants who needed to escape Kathmandu because of political unsteadiness. In any case, there is no reported verification of these stories.

There are stories that "Pratap Malla used to battle with the rulers of Bhaktapur and Patan and convey important relics from the locales to improve his royal residence and spot," expressed Prof Dr Oli.

Concurring with him, Cultural master Dr Jagman Gurung included, "Pratap Malla wanted to have the best things in his kingdom and used to bring important ancient rarities from Bhaktapur and Patan. In addition, he got to be lord by detaining his dad and he expected that his children may do likewise. Along these lines, it is trusted that he shrouded his fortunes in Rani Pokhari in the event that he needed to escape the country. Furthermore, after Rani Pokhari was finished, it is said that the ruler too offered her jewelleries and assets to the lake for the sake of the gods."Rani Pokhari is brimming with fish on the grounds that the supporters of Tibetan Buddhism, with the idea of jivan daan (discharging soul) named chhetar, discharge fish in the lake. In any case, the lake has quite recently catfish maybe in light of the sloppy water in the lake.

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